Ranked data from patch 25.S1.1b (15.1b) in LoL: First Blood, Turret, Atakhan winrates


Riot Games shared data after first few days of Ranked season 2025. The developers showed winrates after getting First Blood, and killing new Elite monster Atakhan before the opposing team. Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison posted the numbers on X.

LoL Ranked data from patch 25.S1.1b (15.1b)

  • First Blood Winrate: 57.6% WR | 57.5% WR
  • Game Time (10, 50, 90th%): 20.7, 30.2, 39.6 min | 20.5, 29.6, 38.9 min
  • First Turret Winrate: 70.4% WR | 70.8% WR
  • Feats of Strength Winrate: 74.1%
  • Atakhan Winrate: 78.9%
  • Baron Winrate: 82.5% | 82.6%

Each of the other major objectives like Inner Turret, Dragon, Rift Herald, etc. are also ~the same as the previous patch.

Objective winrates are also related to how far ahead the team is by just playing and getting ahead normally through kills/farming, etc. so winrates need to be interpreted with that in mind. I.e. if all of the epic objectives were removed from the game and players could only kill each other and take turrets, you would probably expect something like a 70% winrate at 20 minutes.

Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison

Phroxzon is satisfied with the initial results. He thinks that the games don't tend to snowball more than they did in previous season. He noted that the Feats of Strength mechanics were balanced by the removal of previous bonuses for the same achievements. However, he pointed out that the "friction" created by the reward is overshadowing the bonuses. The developers plan to change that in near future.

Even if the stats look good, some changes create too much friction and how it feels matters just as much as the numbers. We wanted the Feats system to create more reward satisfaction, focus and tension around prioritizing early objectives. We’ve been starting to see players experience some of the dynamic and fun game states that we saw when playtesting, especially when it’s a close game around the last Feat.

Currently though, even if the actual game impact is reasonable, it’s clear that First Blood is causing too much friction for the satisfaction & clarity of gaining it. As a result, we’re going to change it either in 15.2 or 15.3. Candidly, we messed up here and it should have been changed pre-release, but we’re going to own that mistake, learn from it and do better for next time.

Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison

Patch 25.S1.1 (15.1) came out on January 8, 2025. The developers introduced Feats of Strength, an upgrade for boots for completing two of the first objectives before the enemy team: First Blood, First Turret, and Monster Slaying. On January 11, Riot Games released a nerfing patch 15.1b.


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