Riot Games released patch 14.18 preview for League of Legends. The update is focused on fixing the game before World Championship 2024 and possibly including the latest champion, Aurora, into the mix for the tournament. Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison shared the details on X and explained some the adjustments.
— We're optimistic that the issue with Aurora and Chronobreak will be resolved by patch day and so we're hopeful that Aurora will be enabled on the Worlds patch.
— As it's played out, pros and elite players have been extremely good at capitalizing on her R engage range and we're taking some of the training wheels off in enabling these types of engages and picks now that players are a lot better at her. She has W to enable some of these tricky engages and we'd like her to be a bit more reliant to pull those off.
— The 700 >>> 450 wall jump change will mean that most of the large walls will no longer be able to be jumped (only the thin ones). Her jump distance on pressing R without a wall is also being reduced.
— Players will need to be much more selective about their engages now and her ult will lock down champions for less time, which will give her slightly less time at lower ranks to R -> back portal assassinate and portal back (or at least put a tighter time pressure on that play). We expect Fleet nerfs to impact Aurora more in top lane and harm her ability to be flexed
Patch 14.18 will arrive on September 11. There might be a minor changes to the patch notes before the final release. Worlds 2024 will kick-off on September 25.