Dyrachyo names his early role model Dota 2 player


Tundra Esports carry Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov answered blitz questions at FISSURE Playground 1 — Dota. One of them was about his early role model, and the player named first The International champion Oleksandr "XBOCT" Dashkevych. The answers were posted in a short video on TO's Telegram.

Blitz poll with dyrachyo

  • Who would you like to play with if you could choose any Dota 2 player? Miracle-.
  • What do you do on your days off? — Spending time with my girlfriend.
  • Who makes you laugh the most on Tundra?Bzm.
  • Cats or dogs? — Probably, dogs. I used to like cats more.
  • Which player inspired you at the beginning of your career? — XBOCT.
  • What qualities do you value and what should an esports player have? — Confidence. In fact, I don't know what qualities are required. You just need to be a good person and never give up.
  • How do you deal with pressure at tournaments? — I don't. Sometimes it happens, but fades away during matches.

XBOCT makes a lot of sense as dyrachyo's role model. During his time on NAVI, he was also criticized for in-game mistakes and liked to play aggressive. The carry had the same always-cheerful mood and the charisma. At some point after retirement, he was considered a top desk talent in Eastern Europe, capable of carrying any broadcast just by himself.

On January 27, Gaimin Gladiators co-founder Joseph "Heklr" Turner accused dyrachyo of unprofessional approach. According to him, the team's ex-carry drank alcohol and did no demo reviews, dedicating too much time to social media. The carry urged his fans not to believe these words. Later, Heklr criticized dyrachyo's supporters and deleted his account in X. You can read more about it below.


Tundra Tundra Esports

GG Gaimin Gladiators

XBOCT Alexander Dashkevich

DyrachYO Anton Shkredov


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